Παρασκευή 13 Νοεμβρίου 2009
Τρίτη 27 Οκτωβρίου 2009
BatteryFull + (Alarm) ver 2.0 Released bringing even more Features

√ ALERT LEVELS: Now you can have alert not only when is fully charged but choose your own level from a picker.
√ FLASHING BACKGROUND:When fully charged background will start flashing. Ideal for 1st gen iPods without speakers or if you want to turn off the alert sound but you still want to have notification.
√ USER INTERFACE IMPROVEMENTS: We did a lot of improvements make it even more friendly.
√ USAGE TIMES: We added informations about "standby" time and about "charge to 100%"
And don't forgot features from previous versions.
-Repeat alert sound instead of single alert sound that other app may have.
-Easy to Change Icon theme with just a tap.
-Shake to choose your alert sound-2 different sound are available.
-Battery icon has animated loading like the previous generation mobiles feature.
Don't waste your time looking at your iPhone or iPod touch all the time till battery is fully charged.
How does it Work in this version?
Turn on the BatteryFull, Choose your alert level. If you want shake it to change the sound. Then plug your device and you will see a view cover and lock your options. Now,You are ready, just leave it on and when your device reaches your alert level you will hear the alert notification.

Σάββατο 17 Οκτωβρίου 2009
Ver 2.0 has been submitted for approval
Παρασκευή 16 Οκτωβρίου 2009
Τρίτη 6 Οκτωβρίου 2009
New Review From Holland
Geplaatst op vrijdag, 2 oktober 2009 om 22:08 uur - door Jan van Kampen
De batterij van de iPhone is snel leeg. Het is dus voor de meesten nodig om de iPhone minstens één keer per dag op te laden. Velen laden het apparaat ’s nachts op, maar hiermee wordt veel energie verspild. Een iPhone is namelijk in ongeveer een uur tot anderhalf uur helemaal opgeladen, en hoeft dus geen hele nacht in het stopcontact te hangen.
Als je tijdens het opladen de applicatie BatteryFull start, krijg je een alarm te horen als je iPhone klaar is met opladen. Hierdoor weet je precies wanneer de batterij van de iPhone helemaal vol is, waardoor je de oplader meteen uit het stopcontact kan trekken. Hierdoor wordt er geen stroom meer verspild aan een volle batterij van de iPhone of aan de oplader van de iPhone.
De applicatie is voor 79 cent te downloaden uit de App Store. Na het downloaden kan je de applicatie meteen in gebruik nemen. Als je het alarm wilt inschakelen moet je de enige knop in de applicatie aantikken.
source here
Δευτέρα 5 Οκτωβρίου 2009
Review for BatteryFull from umpcfever.com (China)
ere is the translation of the Review. You can read the original here
October 4, 2009
Battery Full let you know the full power啦!
Sometimes charging iPhone, although that has been filled with 100%,
As we all know, lithium electrical characteristics is required from time to time
With this BATTERY FULL can be when you hear a sound,
Had better go and buy bar APP STORE! Would only sell US $ 0.99
Κυριακή 4 Οκτωβρίου 2009
Latest review for BatteryFull from iPhoneFreakz.com
"Save Energy With “BatteryFull"
The iPhone’s battery is empty very quickly. I myself have to recharge it every day. Most of us will recharge it during the night, but you’ll spill energy. The iPhone is fully charged within two hours, so there’s no need to keep it on the charger the entire night.
The application BatteryFull can help you save energy. When you start the app while you are charging the iPhone, you’ll here an alarm when the battery is full. That way, you’ll know when the battery is done charging, so you can pull your iPhone from the charger. But during the night, you sleep, so it’s not handy to charge the iPhone during the night when you have the BatteryFull app running at the same time. You might want to charge the iPhone during the evening instead.
Πέμπτη 1 Οκτωβρίου 2009
New Version 1.1 Released
What's New
1.Removed ads
2.Bug Fixed
Screen stay unlock
Reviews from all around the world
Hong Kong New 05/10/2009
umpcfever.com (China)NEW!!! 04/10/2009
iphonefreakz.com (USA) NEW!!!03/10/2009
guide.supereva.it (Italia)
appsinside (korea)
IphoneHellas (Greece)
web.meet-i.com (Japan)
1line.andipod.com (Korea).
Σάββατο 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009
Σάββατο 19 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009
Παρασκευή 18 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009
We are working hard for the next version bringing new features for all customers.
Thank you very much for your feedback
Σάββατο 29 Αυγούστου 2009
BatteryFull +(Alarm) is available on Applestore

*FREE for limited period *